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A note from Mark's sister.


My brother was an artist, writer and musician. To say which he loved the most would be difficult because they each challenged him and brought him great joy.

Mark was one of the most brilliant people I know. He read for pleasure authors like James Joyce (one of his favorites) and Homer; his favorite book being the Odyssey. He was also an amazing poet who scribed beautiful words and recited beautiful works like ‘She Walks in Beauty” by Lord Byron.


“Talent is nurtured in solitude … A creation of importance can only be produced when its author isolates himself, it is a child of solitude.” ~ Johann Wolfgang Von Göethe


I believe that Mark felt this quote to his core. That he believed one had to sacrifice and endure solitude in order to truly create a timeless work of art. He was savage in his pursuit of a great piece of art spending sleepless nights and endless days typing away or perfecting the shading on a shape that emerged in his pastel or charcoal work.

Mark was also a gentle soul who as he described “thinks too much about how he feels.” He battled with social anxiety, mood swings, depression and often, self-medication.


Combined together, my brother was often alone.


We will never be able to witness my brother’s greatest work of art; as it was not yet completed. Although… I still believe I will see it in a beautiful day, an extravagant cloud or a distinctive tree. I always keep an eye out for a gift from him.


For now, I will share some of the work he completed in his last year of life as a way to honor and remember him and as a hope that all who are feeling alone, may find some companionship in the night.


Stay blessed.

Remembering Mark Alan

Books for Bing is especially dedicated to Mark Alan Humphrey.  His art will be showcased at Barnes and Noble on October 1st accompanied by a musical performance by Rob Perez. 

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